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Mandarin Penthouse Floor

Located on the hotel's highest floor, this three-bedroom split-level suite combines our Royale Mandarin and Panoramic suites. Accommodation includes two terraces, three bathrooms, a gym, living room, dining room, kitchen and bar.
Offering a truly unique experience, this wonderful suite enjoys the luxurious feel of a private penthouse and exclusive access to a private lift within the Royale Mandarin suite. Beautifully designed using an elegant palette of gold, white and plum accented with touches of marble, velvet and silk, the suite's stunning features include a selection of bespoke artwork, a staircase fashioned from guilloche metal and a private gym!
407M² / 4,380FT²
Eiffel Tower/Garden/Opèra House/Monuments views
Tra i punti principali figurano:
  • Layout su 2 livelli
  • Terrazza all’aperto
  • Cucina
  • Vasca e cabina doccia
  • Sala da pranzo e area salotto
Le amenity includono:
  • TV e sistema audio Bang & Olufsen
  • Bagno turco
  • Accesso 24/7 al centro fitness
  • Bar privato rifornito quotidianamente

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